Nash Dogs is more than 100% Angus beef franks, Nash Dogs is a unique family run hot dog stand serving Music City. For over a year starting in 2019 a few family members and friends sketched, planned, constructed, tweaked, and created Nash Dogs to align with our most important priority, FAMILY.
“People over profits. You matter.”
My name is Michael Spencer. I am a devoted husband and father. My wife Jasmina and I are high school sweet hearts. We have a awesome young son named Roman. We value our time together above all else. Time freedom is essential. Nash Dogs is the solution to our time apart.
I decided in September 2019 that the comfortable corporate job I was working was not "it". I devised a plan to align with my priorities. Determined, over the next few months I built what is now the Nash Dogs trailer. By March 2020 I was ready to show my new business to the world. COVID-19 had other plans for us all.
I am a proud to say that I am a native Nashvillian who has lived all over our great city. I spent just under a decade living with my family one street over from Broadway. I could hear the music at night and see the lights from my 8th floor bedroom window. Inspiring right?
Originally Nash Dogs was going to be on Broadway but with that no longer viable due to COVID-19 I began to look elsewhere. Finding a home or even a temporary location proved to be much more challenging than expected.
In December 2020 I made the decision to move forward despite the challenges of a global pandemic. My family and I live in Old Hickory, its quaint and cute. The old gas station (Swifty turned Goodwill) was not. Although this former donation site had been closed for years folks continued to dump trash in the parking lot. Driving past the ever piling trash everyday I started to get annoyed, I asked "is anyone ever going to clean that trash up?" Light bulb moment; I called the landlord and offered to clean and maintain the site. In return for my sweat equity I was allowed a spot to set up. We grew from there.
Since our first day, every day after has been a blessing. Old Hickory, Nashville, all the folks that live in our surrounding communities have been incredibly supportive. Nash Dogs has had friends, family, and new friends come from all over to try our 100% Angus beef franks and veggie dogs too!
With our following and a consistent demand we opened a kiosk inside Opry Mills Mall in June 2022. One year later, June 2023 our new 2nd Nash Dogs trailer will start operation in Old Hickory Village 7 days a week to become our second permanent location.
We are still a dream in the making with the goal of becoming a national brand through hard work, altruism, and dedication.
Everyone who has supported us and who will support us, we are grateful that you choose Nash Dogs.